Rostered Liturgical Ministries

Special Ministers of the Eucharist

Special Ministers are appointed after a training course and help to distribute communion at the Sunday Masses.   In addition some ministers take communion to residents in aged care facilities, and the house bound.


The Ministry of Acolyte is a very ancient role within the Catholic Church and one which was left unused for some hundreds of years.  The changing needs of our society and the workload of our priests prompted the revival of this Ministry during the 1970’s.

Acolytes are officially commissioned after completing a training course.  The most visible part of the role of the Acolyte is in serving with and supporting our Parish Priest in the Mass and other Liturgical ceremonies including the distribution of the Blessed Sacrament.  Acolytes also assist the Special Ministers in the distribution of the Blessed Sacrament to those unable to attend Mass through illness or disability.  

Altar Servers

This ministry invites young people to assist the Priest and Acolyte with duties on the altar during Mass and at other special liturgies.    Girls and boys are able to participate after receiving their First Holy Communion.  Training is provided.


Commentators welcome the community who have gathered to celebrate Mass.  They introduce the gospel readings and lead the prayers of Intercession.  Training is provided.

Readers of the Word

These are the people who proclaim (read) the Sacred Scriptures at Mass.  Training is provided.


A “leader” in this ministry enjoys “breaking open” the Sunday Gospel for children between 4 and 10 years of age in a meaningful and stimulating way on a level that they comprehend.  Children’s understanding is encouraged through discussion, music, drama, role playing and artwork.  This ministry provides a wonderful opportunity to become involved in the faith formation of the children of the parish.  Mini Worship is held on Sunday morning during Mass in the room located at the back of the church.  Parents are welcome to accompany any children who are a little shy and help them settle in.  Visitors to the Parish are welcome to join.


A minimum of 2 people are rostered to count the envelopes and loose collections from the weekend Masses on Sunday morning after Mass.


A rostered person attends a weekend Mass to greet parishioners as they enter – this is a ministry of hospitality and welcome.


These volunteers maintain the sacristy and set up the altar for Mass including preparation of the liturgical books, sacred vessels and vestments.

Sunday Morning Tea

Morning Tea is held every fortnight and on special occasions after Mass.  This provides a wonderful opportunity for Parishioners to get to know one another and to celebrate various occasions in the life of the Parish.