
Regular Events 

Wednesday, 1st Wed of each Month

Mass at Bethanie                          1.30pm Bethanie Fields Chapel

Contact:  Parish Priest


Tuesday, 2nd Tue of each Month

St Vincent de Paul Conference - Meeting 5pm, Church Hall

Contact: Jack de Gooijer

Wednesday, 3rd Wed of each Month

Communion Service at Bethanie    1.30pm Bethanie Fields Chapel

Contact:  Parish Priest

Tuesday, 3rd Tue of each Month

Catholic Women’s League            1pm, Church Hall

Contact: Jo Williams

Saturday, 3rd Sat of each Month

Philippino Choir                         6pm Mass, Church

Thursday, 4th Thu of each Month

Parish Council Meeting,                7pm, Church Hall

Friday, LAST Fri of each Month

Ladies Lunch                                  12 noon, Café 21, Australind

Sunday, LAST Sun of each Month (usually)

Alfresco Morning Tea                     After 8.30am Mass, Outside church in good weather, in the hall if wet.

Upcoming Events

Watch this space for more events as the year unfolds